Started a new study, 8″ x 10″.
November 18, 2014
Gary’s Spiral Stairway
Here’s Gary’s take on my spiral stairway design. He did this sketch in just a few minutes by painting directly on a reference photo.
Portrait Study IV
Working on a iteration IV of my Portrait Study (I, II, III). 12″ x 16″ acrylic on canvas board. This time I am using a dark, cool, geometric background and warm darks for the figure. My plan is to add black lines separating the background tiles and then soften all of the edges so that they look like an out-of-focus stained glass window. I chose darker tiles behind the face to accentuate the rim-lighting and lighter teal tiles in the back to silhouette the hair.
Still very much a work in progress. I have to finish all of the tiles before I start on the hair and the rim lighting because these go on top of the tiles. I’ll probably add one more base coat to the figure before dry brushing in the form with a very dark tint of Burnt Sienna.
Spiral Staircase II
I’ve moved on from my 8″ x 10″ study to an 18″ x 24″ painting. I’m blocking in the initial forms in acrylic and then I will switch to oils which will be better for all of the cylindrical surfaces. Super excited!
The word of the week is “Gloom”.
Spiral Staircase Study
Stormy Sunset
With fall comes the rain and it gets dark really early. Sometimes we get lucky and the rain and the dark and the light combine to put on a great show.
Montana Color Study Update
Made some more progress on my 12″ x 16″ acrylic color study for the Montana landscape. My plan is to do another pass or two over the trees and the grasses in the middle distance and then I will start on some tall green grass and a fence line in the foreground.
At this point, I have only suggested the Black Angus cows by painting the grass around them – they are basically negative space cows. It is amazing how compelling they are as just a suggestion. It will be interesting to see if I like them better or worse once they have been painted.
Overall the study is coming along well and I’m feeling optimistic about embarking on a larger, more finished piece.
Another Red Onion
I started another red and green onion painting – same setup, different view point. This design is much more interesting than the previous one and I find I’m getting faster and faster and better at soft edges. After I did the initial block in, Gary gave me a color lesson by way of a demo – he painted the red onion. Now I plan to finish the rest of the painting and then start another and see if I can apply some of what he taught me in the demo.